Altona Pier

This photo was shot as my entry for the February 2014 challenge for the Clique Photography challenge (The Age). Shot at sunset when the seagulls were flying to find their resting spot for the night with a gentle sea breeze to cool the air after a hot afternoon. It was a great family outing, just …

Phillip Island Sunset

One of my favorite sunset photographs taken on a Phillip Island beach. The photo is striking in that it captures the reflection from the pool in front of me with the blazing orange Sun disappearing over the horizon contrasted against the purple sky. Verge coins (XVG) tips appeciatively accepted on: DJ1UZJbJejm6cbwVmH5xqLVKKWYpo5htNc Whats This?

Mordialloc Sunset

Mordialloc sunset

Went on a fishing trip with work colleagues to Mordialloc. It was an early morning trip, and beyond the horizon was the sun starting to rise. With the amazing cloud backdrop, and the sun rays bouncing off it, it created an amazing scene, which I snapped with my Samsung Note II mobile phone. I learned …

sunset kiss

Sunset Kiss

I recall this day so fondly on a beach at Phillip Island. It was a summer holiday, and the sun was about to set. Attempting to create a silhouette shot, I found a sand dune where I told my wife and son to kiss. Amazingly, all things came together, the lighting, the pose and the …